Aug 162011

When Capcom first announced that it was rebooting the Devil May Cry franchise with a new interpretation of Dante, I was annoyed, to say the least. Especially because the new Dante looks like an emo douchebag that I’d really enjoy punching in the face. However, Capcom has gone a long way to assuage my fears about this game with the first gameplay video, which it released for Gamescom.

Video and more after the jump.

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Aug 112011

Hey folks. Here’s an article I found on about the recently released photo of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. The photo has gotten mixed reviews from the nerd community.

Though it’s undeniable that Anne Hathaway in skintight leather is bound to be a glorious sight to behold, the question remains: is the costume as a whole appropriately Catwoman? And furthermore, is Hathaway even the right choice? Weigh in, nerds! Tell us your opinions on this issue.

Jul 052011

As nerds, we’ve all been there before. We find ourselves engrossed in something — be it a television series, film franchise or comic book storyline — and it is fantastic! We enjoy every second of it, waiting with baited breath for the next installment. This joy, however, is short-lived. Maybe the network assigns a new executive producer to the project, someone with “exciting new ideas” about where the series should go. Maybe a writer comes on board who feels the need to raze the world his predecessors have so carefully created to the ground, so that he, in his infinite genius, can rebuild it by his own design. Whatever the cause, these awesome series turned into the ultimate disappointments, mere shadows of what they once were. In this episode, we tackle several of our favorite awesome disappointments, along with a brood of mind-controlling lava worms. So join the Rag-NERD-rok crew for a blitz expedition deep into the catacombs of good stories gone bad, where creative hijacking, network interference, and sometimes just plain hubris take the most excellently told tales and drive them face first into the ground!

(Show Notes after the break.)

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