Sep 162020
Amerinomicon Art

The team has made it to the island-city of R’lyeh. But their mission isn’t over yet. They still need to plant the bomb and, if possible, escape with their lives.

But the tunnels under the city are dark, and they hold many dangers of their own.

Will the team be able to complete its impossible mission? Listen to find out!

Sep 022020
Amerinomicon Art

With their plan set and the bomb in tow, the group sets sail for the island city of R’lyeh.

In all likelihood, this is a suicide mission. But they are determined to see it through and, hopefully, save the world. 

But it doesn’t take long for things to go awry. And in Cthulhu’s home, every step could mean death.

Will the group be able to complete their mission? And will they be able to survive the perilous island? Listen to find out!

Aug 192020
Amerinomicon Art

Finally in Los Angeles, the group has just one part of their mission left: deliver the package. 

Running from the authorities, they take shelter in a Resistance-friendly bar, where they run into an old friend they haven’t seen in months.

But can he be trusted? And how will they find their destination in such a large city? And will they be able to make it there alive?

Listen to find out!

Aug 052020
Amerinomicon Art

The band of rebels take a shortcut to reach Los Angeles, but not one you’d find on any map. Sojourning through a frightful space-between-spaces, they’ll have to do their best not to stray from the path. However, the route is full of temptations, and danger lurks just beyond the creeping fog. Will the Country Roads, in fact, take them home, or will they find themselves stranded outside of time and space? Listen to find out! 

Jul 222020
Amerinomicon Art

In this week’s episode, the gang of rebels decide to take an… alternate route… to reach Los Angeles. However, in order to gain access, they’ll need to negotiate with a scientist whose experiments have transformed an entire town into walking horrors. Can they arrange a deal without forfeiting their humanity, or will the cost be too great? 

Listen to find out!