Since we posted our first episode in June 2011, our notion of Rag-NERD-rök has been evolving. It started out as a geek culture blog and podcast, where we would cover events, post reviews and interviews, and discuss our nerdy interests like film, comics and role playing. Two months later, Rag-NERD-rök became an actual play podcast, when we posted “Dragon Heat: Rise of the Chili-Mancer,” a Fiasco that we recorded on a lark. Before long, we stopped posting our daily articles on the blog, and started alternating actual play recordings with our regular episodes. After 2014, we decided to focus exclusively on role playing sessions, and we’ve been an actual play podcast ever since.
Now, as the project enters its eleventh year, Rag-NERD-rök is changing again.
As we get older, as life presents us with new challenges and opportunities, it has become more difficult to gather every week to record a session. We’ve tried a few tactics to mitigate this problem, such as recording off-night one-shots, and splitting every recording into two, but we have nevertheless struggled to play enough to produce a new episode each week.
As such, we are going to take an indefinite hiatus from posting–not because we want to stop entirely, but in order to try something new. Going forward, we’re going to hold the sessions of our campaigns in reserve until the final game is recorded. We’ll then schedule the episodes to release once a week, as they would normally, until the entire campaign is posted. You may even hear a few new voices here and there, depending on whether Ryan can successfully lure more unwitting victims into his basement, or imagine more friends into hideous unlife—whichever continuity you believe.
An aside to our Patrons: we have not yet decided how this new posting schedule will affect the Patreon. For now, we’re going to put the campaign on pause while we evaluate our options and make a decision. Look for another update with further details.
In conclusion, we wanted to thank you all for continuing to listen while we play pretend. We are always thrilled to get feedback on the stories and characters we’ve created together, and chat with you on Discord or social media.
Whatever the future brings, we’ll save you a spot at the table.
A Note to Our Traitorous Listeners
I hope you fuckwhistles are happy, now that you think you’ve won. This is what you wanted all along, wasn’t it? Well, rest on your laurels for now, assholes, because we’ll be back when you least expect it.
That’s a promise.
-The Rag-NERD-rök Staff
Alex, Chris, Ed, Erik, James, Meyer, Ryan and Will.