We at Rag-NERD-rok are pleased to announce the premiere of the newest installment of our serial drama, Dead of Winter, the story of murder in a small town with a dark secret. In this episode, lawyer Neil Price confronts shady hotel proprietor Arthur Webb about his role in the death of young Sarah Winter, peeling back yet another layer of the mystery and revealing even more about the sinister brotherhood of murderers to which Webb belongs. For a small taste of what’s to come, listen to the preview below.
It’s finally here. Odin demanded a list, and by Valhalla, I gave it to him. This week we close out our list with RNR’s No. 1 recurring Star Trek character! Hopefully Odin’s appetite for all things Trek will be sated after today.
(find out who got the top spot after the jump)
We’re getting close to the end, ladies and gentlemen. This week, I’ll show you and Odin just who won spot No. 2 and why.
(Find out who got the second spot after the jump)
Lwaxana Troi and Jeffrey Combs have pleased Odin so far. Will number three please the All-Father as well?
(Find out who number three is after the break)
Last week, I was approached by Odin himself who assigned me at all costs to discover who the top five recurring Star Trek characters are. Last week, we found out No. 5 was Lwaxana Troi. Who took the fourth spot?
(Find out after the jump)