Jan 032013

Woo whee. That apocalypse sure was something, wasn’t it? Remember all of the explosions and death? We didn’t want to take any chances, so all of the Rag-NERD-rok guys hunkered down in the Rag-NERD-bunker to await our eventual demise. We figured that, while we were down there, we might as well record a podcast episode. And what better way to ring in the end of the world than by talking about our favorite things that we all discovered in 2012? After that, we decided to spend some time talking about the things we were going to miss in 2013 because the world had ended. There’s also a Will Interview, because we wanted to end our time on this planet with a smile.

This episode was recorded in our bunker on Dec. 21 and posted automatically. Hopefully we’re all alive in the future, in which case most of this is superfluous. If not, it’s been nice knowing you, Planet Earth.

(Show notes after the jump)

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Jan 242012

Hey folks! Long time no post. Sorry about that. The holidays left with not a lot of free time. And then some other shit happened. But anyways the new year happened and with another year comes new games, movies, and other things to look forward to in 2012. What am I looking forward to? Follow the jump to find out (unless you don’t care, that is).

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