A friend of mine linked me to this video recently (Thanks Menelven, if you’re reading this), and I fell in love with the song. For anyone who loved the original Pokemon more than any of the newer ones, this guy certainly echoes your sentiments. There’s a bit of a lengthy plug at the end, but considering the fact that we like to shamelessly plug our own product, I suppose it’s acceptable. Video after the jump.
Well, I guess I’m a follower. This video isn’t so much disturbing as it is…odd. You ask yourself why, but for different reasons than the last few. Alright…take it away Rubberbandits.
(Video after the jump)
As anypony who knows me should know by this point (as should most listeners, given my tendency to mention it here and there), I’m a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. As such, I like to contribute to the fanbase, even though some of my friends (At least two of my RNR partners included) hate me for doing so. I just recently finished up a Pony Music Video (PMV) that I put a fair amount of work in, and I figured, “Hey, we’re a nerd culture podcast, and my obsession with this show is pretty nerdy!” That being said, check out my PMV of Green Day’s “Last of the American Girls,” titled “Last of the Equestrian Girls,” after the jump.