May 232013

From the minds of five ordinary nerds comes a tour-de-force of bad fan fiction, a derivative work so puerile, so debauched, so nonsensical that we devoted an entire episode to exploring its murky depths. Each member of the Rag-NERD-rok Crew comes to the table with a different intellectual property in the hopes of creating a five-way crossover fic that will leave you stunned–preferably in a good way, but we’ll take whatever stunned reactions we can get. The result is part fanfic, part role play, part improvised musical, and completely, hilariously terrible from beginning to end. Join us for a ret-conning, fourth-wall-shattering, Gary-Stu-creating extravaganza of an episode, this month on Rag-NERD-rok!

(Show notes after the break.)

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Mar 082013

This month, we tackle that crazy little thing called fanon. When the creators of your favorite media leave you in the dark, the impulse to speculate and try to shed some light is only natural. What does this mean for the average geek media aficionado in the digital age? Head canon, fan theories, and works of fan fiction, art and more! Join the Rag-NERD-rok Crew as we discuss some of our thoughts on the matter, along with examples from fandoms we’ve participated in. Afterwards, we’ll scramble to come up with a sketch in Ed’s absence, and read a brand-new five star review!

(Show Notes after the break.)

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