Nov 042012

Ah, Troll 2. That masterpiece of bad cinema. It’s one of those movies that’s so bad, it’s good. It’s also a movie that will stick with you for years to come. One of the reasons it’s so memorable is because of the…um, unique characters. Especially Credence Leonore Gielgud (of ancient Druidic origins). Played by Deborah Reed, Credence was the leader of the goblins. Or the townsfolk. Or both? Are the townsfolk all goblins? Who the hell knows?

Anyway, we were fortunate enough in this episode to get Deborah Reed on the phone and interview her about her character and her experiences making such a memorable film. If you haven’t seen Troll 2 yet, do it now. We’ll be here when you get back.

After the interview, Derek (who you’ve heard from our many Eclipse Phase games) joins Ryan and Meyer to talk about their favorite experiences from New York Comic Con 2012 (Erik, Ed and Alex couldn’t make it, mostly because of a combination of lack of funds and suckitude).

So take a listen to this extra spooky Halloween episode of Rag-NERD-rok. And sorry for the delay, folks. Blame that bitch, Sandy.

(show notes after the jump)

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Jul 172012

Here it is, folks: another THUNDERous interview with the Rag-NERD-rok Crew! Who is it? Alright, we won’t be CATty: it’s Larry Kenney, the voice behind Lion-O from the original ThunderCats cartoon (among many other things). We talk with him about his career both before and after ThunderCats, how voice acting works and more. Then, Erik regales us all with his adventures at last month’s BronyCon, while Meyer and Alex try not to hate too much. And last but certainly not least, we read all of the new emails we’ve received, as well as the five-star reviews that people have left us on iTunes (thanks for that!). So join us for an episode filled with famous actors, pony talk and you guys!

Also, Meyer runs out to get some milk for Ryan’s mom. What a guy.

(Show notes after the break)

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Jun 202012

We in the Rag-NERD-rok Crew have elected to participate in the massive play-test of the newest release of Dungeons and Dragons, D&D Next! Join us, along with special guest and veteran D&D player Derek, for an in-depth discussion of the new version of the classic role-playing game, its strengths, weaknesses and peculiarities. Later, we touch on this year’s E3 in another 10 in 10 segment, and Will stops by to read us his children’s story, Paul the Adventurer. It’s a fun-filled, orc-slaying, dungeon-looting episode, so grab your dice and pray to Pelor that you roll 20s!

(Show notes after the break.)

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Apr 242012

Every spring, the indigenous nerd population of Long Island flocks to the Suffolk County campus of Stony Brook University for I-Con, a geeky gathering that has very little to do with endocrinology. Here, some engage in rituals known as “panels,” each with its own topic, in which panelists and audience members sometimes compete fiercely for dominance. Some take part in a display of plumage known as “cosplay,” in which they dress as characters from a movie, video game or TV show that they enjoy, possibly in order to attract a mate. Rare and exotic creatures known as “guests” move silently among the con-goers, sometimes pausing gracefully to sign autographs or give interviews. Finally, there is the dealer floor, a social gathering place where merchants build elaborate nests with the shiniest implements they can find. Join the guys in The Rag-NERD-rok Crew for an exciting glimpse at nerds in their natural habitat: I-Con!

(Get to the part of the show notes where I drop this ridiculous conceit after the break!)

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Jan 312012

This week’s episode of Rag-NERD-rok is a continuation of the discussion we began last week covering geek culture in The 20th Century. We’ll talk about the rise of “The Big Three” of sci-fi, Orson Wellesinfamous War of the Worlds broadcast, Universal Studios’ iconic horror films of the 1930s and ’40s, Walt Disney’s early work, and The Golden Age of comic books. After the break, we conduct an off-the-cuff Will interview, plumbing the depths of his psyche with the most random questions we can conceive of.

(Show notes after the break.)

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