Mar 272012

In the twentieth episode of Rag-NERD-rok, Ryan, Ed, Meyer and Alex take a look at several different sub-genres of horror in order to break down and analyze what exactly makes each so scary. After the break, the boys indulge Ryan with another one of his Rag-NERD-libs, and the entire crew responds to some listener voicemails/email. If you’ve ever mussed your unmentionables in terror at the prospect of being chased through the woods by a knife-wielding psychopath, having your flesh transformed into a living VCR, learning how truly insignificant man is in the scheme of things, or biting your nails in anticipation at the barbed conversation of a cannibalistic genius, then this episode is just what you’ve been looking for!

(Show Notes after the break.)

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Mar 272012

I have learned recently that I am not a fan of the Mass Effect series. After more than 100 hours of playing the three games, it has been brought to my attention that I did not, in fact, enjoy it. How did I learn that, you ask? I enjoyed the ending of Mass Effect 3.

(more on my feelings of the end of the trilogy after the jump. Oh, and there will be spoilers) Continue reading »

Mar 272012

So some of you may have noticed that we promised to bring back daily updates and then failed to deliver. Our bad.

You see, Meyer still has some Kinks to work out with the comic. Seriously. His computer is infested with hundreds of Kinks, and those bastards stole the file away after he finished the comic. He just didn’t have the time yesterday to redo it.

But we’ll get back on track, and you’ll get your daily posts soon. We promise!

(Note: we don’t actually promise)
Mar 262012

Dear Rag-NERD-rokers,

There’s really no way to say this: we done fucked up.

We had been posting regularly here on the site. But in recent weeks, our posts have…waned. And we feel just awful about that (especially Ed. He’s been crying for days).

But fear not! We have plans to make it all up to you. Starting today, we’re getting back to our daily posts. And not just those YouTube clips that we were posting (although those may still sneak in every once in a while). We’re going to work hard to bring you original content that you can’t find anywhere else.

Remember that webcomic that (three of) you voted on a long, long time ago? Well, it’s finally going to happen. Meyer is going to be posting a new comic every Monday. Tuesday through Thursday, you’ll be able to read posts on a range of topics from Alex, Ed and Ryan. And Fridays are sort of a wild card day: some days may be nothing, some days may be guests post and some days may be magic! (Note: magic is not guaranteed)

So we hope you enjoy the new posts from us here at Rag-NERD-rok to go along with our new podcast posting schedule. If there’s anything you’d like to see more (or less) of, let us know! You fine fans are the reason we’re doing all of this, so your opinion counts.

-The Rag-NERD-rok Team

 Posted by at 11:00 AM
Feb 282012

In the nail-biting conclusion to our four-part geek history retrospective, Meyer gives us the lowdown on Star Wars, Erik discusses the contributions of Shigeru Miyamoto to the world of video games, Ryan drones on and on about the works of horror novelist Stephen King, and Alex pontificates on Dungeons and Dragons. After the break, we try out a new segment in which we keep it brief by imposing a ten word limit on our barbed opinions. Then, a sketch! It’s one heck of a gosh-darn good time, trust me!

(Show notes after the break.)

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