Mar 272012

I have learned recently that I am not a fan of the Mass Effect series. After more than 100 hours of playing the three games, it has been brought to my attention that I did not, in fact, enjoy it. How did I learn that, you ask? I enjoyed the ending of Mass Effect 3.

(more on my feelings of the end of the trilogy after the jump. Oh, and there will be spoilers) Continue reading »

Feb 282012

In the nail-biting conclusion to our four-part geek history retrospective, Meyer gives us the lowdown on Star Wars, Erik discusses the contributions of Shigeru Miyamoto to the world of video games, Ryan drones on and on about the works of horror novelist Stephen King, and Alex pontificates on Dungeons and Dragons. After the break, we try out a new segment in which we keep it brief by imposing a ten word limit on our barbed opinions. Then, a sketch! It’s one heck of a gosh-darn good time, trust me!

(Show notes after the break.)

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