Apr 062022
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It seems the feds are on to the school. They’re going to be conducting tests to see if anyone has kaiju DNA. Which is real bad news for our three heroines. 

How will they be able to stop themselves from getting found out? And what strange monstrosities are waiting in the wings to attack? Listen to find out!

Mar 232022
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Having completed their tasks for Gravelbeard, the group returns to Mag Thorem. With their seemingly impossible tasks done, they should be able to travel through the mines and to the other side of the Shimmer.

But something is rotten in Mag Thorem. And getting into the mines may be more difficult than expected.

Mar 162022
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Things are never easy in high school. Especially when two (former) best friends decide to have competing parties! Which party do you go to in that case?

Oh, and there are aliens invading the city again. And lots of rumors are flying around. It’s a weird day, even in this city.

Will the girls pick the right party? Or will they ruin their reputations forever? And what about the aliens?

Listen to find out!

Mar 022022
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Life is tough when you’re in high school. You have to deal with drama from your friends, homework, overbearing adults and, of course, turning into a 10-story tall monster that wreaks havoc on the city.

And when brain-stealing aliens are invading, things are even worse. And that reporter guy is giving off some majorly weird vibes. 

Will these teens be able to keep their secrets? Or are they going to wind up alien food? Or worse — on Becky’s Insta! Listen to find out!

Feb 232022
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The quest to create the swarm’s hottest new sport continues!

The gang has a venue, and now they need to put together their track. They decide to call in favors from friends to get it done and create the best drone death race they can.

Will this latest venture be a hit? Or will it flop hard? Listen to find out!