Oct 132011

In the interest of full disclosure, I’m going to get this out of the way right now: I liked “Final Fantasy XIII.” There, I said it. I thought it was a good game, and I enjoyed the combat system.

So I was already looking forward to the awkwardly named sequel, “Final Fantasy XIII-2.” But then I saw this seven-minute trailer, and now I’m really pumped.

(trailer and more after the jump)

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Oct 112011

In this week’s episode, Ed has been consumed by a horrifying transformation that split him into two women, our guests, Allyson and Alicia! They join the rest of the Rag-NERD-rok Crew for a walk down memory lane to revisit all those fondly remembered franchises from our childhoods that are now making a comeback. Why is this happening? Who is responsible? And what, exactly, makes a franchise reboot successful? We tackle these questions and more in our discussion about nostalgia. Later, Alex and Meyer pay tribute to the “Gears of War” video game series, and we read some very special comments that are just too “good” to be posted on the site. Enjoy!

(Show notes after the break.)

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Oct 092011

Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. Judging by these poll results, it looks like those who favor fire — nuclear fire, that is — have won out! Congratulations to Ed, our foremost apocalypse debater. Now, everyone get down to the fallout shelter as quickly as you can, put your head between your knees, and try not to think about all your loved ones who are being flash-fried into ash as we speak.

(Poll results after the break.)

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