May 252022
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Regina is finally getting married. To a reality TV bounty hunter, of course. 

The wedding is going to be the event of the century! But for security reasons, the happy couple decides to hold their nuptials in the middle of the desert.

Will they be able to pull off a miracle and have the wedding happen without a hitch? Or is it going to be a fiasco? Listen to find out! Although you probably already know the answer.

Apr 202022
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A dragon lawyer has come down with a rare case of…something, and it’s up do Doctor Cabin’s team to figure out what’s wrong with her. 

They’ll perform esoteric tests, commune with their gods, and do some magical drugs along the way. 

Will they be able to save their patient? Or will their drama get in the way? Listen to find out!

Note: This game was run with the beta version of the rules. We actually recorded it mere days before the full rules were released. You can buy the final version of the game here.

Mar 162022
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Things are never easy in high school. Especially when two (former) best friends decide to have competing parties! Which party do you go to in that case?

Oh, and there are aliens invading the city again. And lots of rumors are flying around. It’s a weird day, even in this city.

Will the girls pick the right party? Or will they ruin their reputations forever? And what about the aliens?

Listen to find out!

Mar 022022
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Life is tough when you’re in high school. You have to deal with drama from your friends, homework, overbearing adults and, of course, turning into a 10-story tall monster that wreaks havoc on the city.

And when brain-stealing aliens are invading, things are even worse. And that reporter guy is giving off some majorly weird vibes. 

Will these teens be able to keep their secrets? Or are they going to wind up alien food? Or worse — on Becky’s Insta! Listen to find out!

Jan 262022
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Two Delta Green agents are sent to a town in upstate New York after a young woman goes missing. Her body was found — 40 years in the past. 

The agents need to figure out what’s going on and put a stop to it. They also need to run damage control with the local police, who are wondering how a woman ended up dead 20 years before she was born.

Will they be able to unravel this dark mystery? Or will they be caught up in it as well? Listen to find out!