Oct 312017
Rag-NERD-rok Logo

All-Mart is a big-box store and wholesaler, the type of establishment that stocks mountains of off-season swimwear and pallets of industrial-sized mayonnaise jars. There’s more hidden on these shelves than meets the eye, however, and four overnight employees have banded together to discover the truth behind the mysterious items that occasionally turn up. They call it “exostock,” products that shouldn’t exist from outside of reality itself, each with a discrete magical effect. In the hours between eleven and seven, when only the weirdos shop, this cabal of would-be chargers explore the sprawling aisles, hoping to uncover the secret of the All-Mart and inventory the strangeness that lurks within. Will they find the answers they seek, or will trifling with arcane powers beyond their ken lead them to ruin?

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