
Feb 272019
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Have you heard the one about two dwarves, an elf, a human and a halfling who strand themselves on a magical island in search of seven lost treasures? Well, crank up the volume and take a listen, because you’re about to! 

In Chris’ entry for our Pilot Season, a party of adventurers returns to town with the severed heads of a two-headed ogre (ettin?), hoping to barter their loot for information about the island’s secrets. When they are attacked by a pride of swamp lions in the night, they’ll have to use every trick they’ve got to survive and keep their cargo safe. Can they make it back alive? 

 Don’t forget to vote in our poll to pick your two favorite games when the Pilot Season is over! 

Jul 252018
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This week, the Bustin’ Bads investigate a series of mysterious incidents at the high school where Conrad used to teach. Unfortunately, his employment there did not end on the best of terms, so he is banned from school grounds. Complicating matters further, it seems the disturbance may have been caused by certain items that were supposed to become pieces in a wealthy antique dealer’s private collection of supernatural bric-a-brac, and she’s willing to pay top dollar to get them back intact. Can the Bustin’ Bads catch the creepy-crawlies that have been haunting the high school?Moreover, will they turn the nasties over to a rich lady for a huge payday? Listen to find out!

Jun 202018
Roll a D20!

Greetings, Rag-NERD-rokkers!

In order to get a better idea of who our listeners are, and what they like (or dislike) about the RNR experience, Alex has put together a cool Rag-NERD-rokk Listener Survey! Take a few minutes to answer some questions, and let us know what you think.

Thanks for the feedback, and for choosing to (virtually) hang out with us week after week!

May 232018
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This week, the Fate’s Fools gang sets off for the mountain city of Mormut, home to the world-famous Mormut College of Magic and Boat-smithing! However, the party parts ways at the town gate when the city guard takes exception to their menagerie of “pets.” In retaliation, Walter and T’Mek decide to stalk the commander of the city guard and ruin his life. After meeting a professor in the market, Fen attempts to pass the MCOMB wizarding finals and finally earn his degree. Piotr heads for the skydocks, where he attempts to recruit an airship pilot to take the party to the Shifting Savannah. Will Fen graduate as a full wizard? Can Piotr do better than the man responsible for the worst airship disaster in known history? Will the commander of the city guard take exception to Walter and T’Mek trying to get his spouses to divorce him? Listen to find out!

Mar 282018
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Todd has a problem. He accidentally summoned a demon, and now he’s stuck in his apartment with no way out.

Luckily for Todd, he’s part of a cabal that can come to his aid. With one phone call, the KannaBoiz spring into action. Can these four magically inclined individuals — which include an avatar of The Fool, a vestomancer, an alchemist and a man with a possessed monkey — save their friend? Or is Todd going to become the latest victim of The Midnight Game?

Listen to find out!

**Content Warning**

This game contains references to racism / white supremacy, and implied acts of violence against sex workers. If you find either of those subjects unsuitable for exploration in gaming, you may want to consider skipping this one.